Golden Luxe Cash Bouquet

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The Golden Luxe Cash Bouquet redefines luxury with its dazzling combination of cash notes, golden roses, and premium wrapping. Order now for a timeless gift, available through Bahria Town flower shop‘s fresh flowers delivery in Lahore.

Note: 10000 Making charges Only (actual Price is differ)

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The Golden Luxe Cash Bouquet is a masterpiece of sophistication and grandeur, designed to impress and delight. This premium bouquet showcases an exquisite arrangement of folded Pakistani currency notes, complemented by golden artificial roses, delicate white baby’s breath, and shimmering golden foliage. Encased in high-quality black wrapping paper and finished with a bold red satin ribbon, this bouquet exudes luxury and charm. Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or any celebratory event, it’s a gift that speaks volumes.

Whether you’re expressing love, gratitude, or congratulations, the Golden Luxe Cash Bouquet makes every moment extraordinary. Perfectly crafted by expert florists, it combines elegance with a personal touch to leave a lasting impression.

Order today from our trusted Bahria Town flower shop and enjoy seamless online flowers delivery in Lahore. Experience fresh flowers and unmatched craftsmanship, delivered right to your doorstep.

  • Contents: Carefully folded Pakistani currency notes, artificial golden roses, white baby's breath, golden foliage.
  • Wrapping: Luxurious black wrapping paper tied with a vibrant red satin ribbon.
  • Ideal For: Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, and other celebrations.
  • Delivery: Available for fresh flowers delivery in Lahore, including Bahria Town and nearby areas.
  • Customization Options: Flexible customization to adjust the amount of currency notes or add unique floral accents.


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